Art of Freedom II is an invitation for patrons to experience artists’ works that represent the ever changing atmosphere of our society such as successes, failures, war, and disease related to and because of things like the COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and removal and additions to monuments and public art. The exhibition will allow visitors to view what freedom means through the lenses of the artists. Our hope is those who experience the exhibition and participate in programs will examine their own interpretations of freedom from the Black experience as well as inclusively and ultimately take action to promote freedom for all people.
This exhibit opened on May 24 2023 and runs until December 17, 2023. I have 3 pieces in the exhibit. They are pictured together above but you will find them amongst all the amazing art in the exhibit. These pieces are another style which I enjoy, acrylic mixed media collage. I've used a variety of techniques and materials to portray the feeling of releasing the stresses of life, giving the art energy and life using color, texture and movement. I went in more details in the newsletter, so I will keep it short here. The exhibit is up until December, so go see it in person, it's well worth it!